Tuesday 31 May 2011

Bari to Patras - Ferry

We arrived in Bari after completing our West to East coast jaunt in the Puegeot.
Bari - Time to go!
It was time to say goodbye to our trusty car. It had served us well and made the trip so far very comfortable. After unloading and without our trusty steed, life all of a sudden became harder. It was now down to us to move the luggage and for the first time rely on the public transport. After 2 seperate bus trips we eventually made it to port. For the first time of the trip people seemed to be a little less helpful. Maybe it was our imagination or were suspicious eyes watching us.

 We were all excited to eventually board the ferry after a 2 hour wait, and head on our way. Trucks, people and luggage made an interesting procession all entering from the same entry point. Anyway our super fast ferry was big enough for everyone and soon we were on our way. Athens here we come!

Travelling Valentines


About to board ship.

Air seats on Ferry

Well sailing is certainly a nice way to travel but after 26 hours or so
 the air seats didn't seem to be quite as comfortable as when we set out.
 They look like an aircraft seat and they feel like one to. Well at least we had the lounges, cafeteria's games rooms and decks to keep us amused. The children made the most of the wi fi and staying up a bit longer didn't seem to phase them at all. Travelling through the night had its own appeal. Standing on deck with the wind blowing under a full moon was pretty nice. 

As the sun came up we had some spectacular views of the Greek coast. Special!   The water was glassy and created an awesome wake behind the boat which seemed to go on forever. Eventually we arrived a little tired but keen to take the next trek from Patras to Athens. The town of Patras is a pretty seedy little town. We had planned to catch the train but on arrival were told they were working on the track and it had been cancelled for a few days. Great. Plan B.
Find the bus terminal. Look like a tourist, pay to much and get an express bus to Athens. Some interesting looking characters eyeing us off so thought the quicker we leave the better. Allocated seats on a bus. New one on us but hey things seem to be looking up again. Very modern bus. Quick head count. Yep all on board and now heading for Athens on a 3 hr trip. Time to relax again, almost there.   

Computer Lounge

Racing towards Patras

Ships wake nearing Patras.

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